Dr. Angel Radev
Angiology VS Phlebology Main Physician at Varix Clinic
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Skills :examinations, consultations, preventive measures, procedures
Address Info :Sofia 1614, Gorna Banya quarter, 7 Orehovski dol street, (entrance from Vechernitsa street)
The profile of Dr. Angel Radev as a peripheral vascular surgeon and angiologist, perfectly manipulating Doppler ultrasound, makes it possible to clearly identify the diseases of patients, to avoid errors, and to treat them with the most effective and least invasive techniques possible.
Dr.Radev is a creator of the TASAR Cryo method (Tumescent Assisted Sclerotherapy with Augmented Reality) and he is a Main Physician at Varix Clinic Sofia.
Phlebology focuses primarily on diseases of the veinsfocuses primarily on diseases of the veins.
Dr.Radev and his team focused on treating:
- Chronic venous disease and varicose veins
- Minimally invasive (“bloodless”) treatment of varicose veins, endovenous laser ablation, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, mechano-chemical ablation, outpatient microphlebectomy
- Microsclerotherapy of capillaries and reticular veins
- Thrombophlebitis
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Varicose veins during and after pregnancy
- Hard-to-heal wounds of venous origin
- Lymphedema, lipedema and lymphatic drainage
- Vascular dermatoses
- Elastocompressive therapy and prevention